Sunday, July 28, 2013

Film: Wasted on the Young

There was not one adult in the entire film and I believe that theme was maintained throughout the film's creation. I am being a little harsh... However, the film was less than good.

Film: Side Effects

This is a very nice film...unless you watch these types to see Mr. Tatum without a shirt... The film takes some nice twists along the way.

Film: The Great and Powerful OZ

This film was excellent. It began a bit slow but then picked up full steam ahead. It's obviously very fun and entertaining to have seen The Wizard of OZ prior to this movie, the first provides an individual with a better back ground knowledge.

Film: The Cold Light of Day

This film is not good. Bruce Willis has a small role and the whole plot has been done before...much better to boot. Do not waste your time or money.

Film: Hardball

This was made some time ago, but it's still a very good one! I enjoyed it and the time flew. The story is a keeper, in addition Keany and the Kekambus are tough to beat!